Will - Explained
Will - Explained | Englisch Grammatik Übungen
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"Das Wort 'will' ist ein Modalverb im Englischen, das hauptsächlich verwendet wird, um das Futur anzuzeigen. Es hat mehrere Funktionen:"
Spontaneous Decisions or Thoughts regarding Future Actions or Events:
"Alternativen zum Ausdrücken zukünftiger Handlungen oder Ereignisse: geplante oder beabsichtigte Ereignisse."
Vorhersagen treffen/ Making Predictions:
Willensbekundung oder freiwillige Handlungen/ Expressing Willingness or Voluntary Actions:
Versprechen oder Angebote machen/ Making Promises or Offers:
Bitten oder Befehle erteilen/ Making Requests or Giving Commands:
"Wörter wie 'hope', 'expect', 'believe', 'think' und unsicherere Begriffe wie 'suppose' (annehmen), 'maybe', 'perhaps' werden oft verwendet, wenn über die Zukunft gesprochen wird. Diese Wörter variieren in ihrem Grad an Gewissheit oder Zuversicht bezüglich zukünftiger Ereignisse. Hier ist eine kurze Erklärung und Beispiele für jedes:"
"Das Wort 'will' ist ein Modalverb im Englischen, das hauptsächlich verwendet wird, um das Futur anzuzeigen. Es hat mehrere Funktionen:"
Spontaneous Decisions or Thoughts regarding Future Actions or Events:
- "Will" is often used to express a decision made at the moment of speaking, rather than a pre-planned action or event. This use of "will" indicates spontaneity and immediacy in the decision-making process.
- "I'm thirsty." "I will get you a glass of water." - The decision to get a glass of water is made spontaneously in response to hearing someone is thirsty.
- "It's cold in here." "I will close the window." - The action of closing the window is decided upon at the moment, without pre-planning.
- "We need another chair." "I will bring one." - The speaker decides to bring a chair right at that moment.
- "This looks heavy." "I will help you with it." - The offer to help is made spontaneously.
- "The phone is ringing." "I will answer it." - The decision to answer the phone is made instantly.
"Alternativen zum Ausdrücken zukünftiger Handlungen oder Ereignisse: geplante oder beabsichtigte Ereignisse."
- I am going to visit my grandparents next weekend. (going to future)
- She is flying to New York tomorrow morning. (present continuous with future meaning)
- We are going to have a party for his birthday next Friday. (going to future)
- The train leaves at 8 o'clock tonight. (simple present with future meaning)
- They are moving to a new house in April. ((present continuous with future meaning)
Vorhersagen treffen/ Making Predictions:
- The weather forecast says it will snow tomorrow.
- I think he will win the competition.
- They will probably arrive late due to the traffic.
- This movie will become a big hit.
- The new policy will likely improve market conditions.
Willensbekundung oder freiwillige Handlungen/ Expressing Willingness or Voluntary Actions:
- I will help you with your project.
- He will take care of the pets while we are away.
- They will volunteer at the food bank this weekend.
- She will lend you her notes for the exam.
- Will you please pass the salt?
Versprechen oder Angebote machen/ Making Promises or Offers:
- I will always be there for you.
- We will refund your money if you're not satisfied.
- I will cook dinner tonight.
- She will drive us to the airport.
- They will offer a discount on all products next week.
Bitten oder Befehle erteilen/ Making Requests or Giving Commands:
- Will you please turn down the music?
- Will everyone please gather in the meeting room?
- Will you let me know when you arrive?
- Will you please keep an eye on my bag?
- Will he remember to send the report?
"Wörter wie 'hope', 'expect', 'believe', 'think' und unsicherere Begriffe wie 'suppose' (annehmen), 'maybe', 'perhaps' werden oft verwendet, wenn über die Zukunft gesprochen wird. Diese Wörter variieren in ihrem Grad an Gewissheit oder Zuversicht bezüglich zukünftiger Ereignisse. Hier ist eine kurze Erklärung und Beispiele für jedes:"
- Hope: Used for desires or wishes about the future, often implying a positive outcome.
- I hope it won't rain tomorrow.
- She hopes to visit Italy next year.
- Expect: Indicates a strong belief that something will happen.
- I expect they will announce the results soon.
- We expect to complete the project by March.
- Believe: Shows a personal conviction or opinion about something in the future, though not as strong as 'expect'.
- I believe the market will recover soon.
- They believe the trip will be enlightening.
- Think: Used for opinions or less certain beliefs about what will happen.
- I think it might/will snow tonight. (might - könnte)
- He thinks they will win the match.
- Suppose: Indicates a guess or hypothesis, often less certain than other words.
- I suppose they might/will come if it doesn't rain.
- She supposes the meeting will be short.
- Maybe/Perhaps: Express uncertainty or possibility regarding future events.
- Maybe I will go out for dinner tonight.
- Perhaps we'll see some improvement next week.
- Spontaneous Decisions or Thoughts: "Will" is often used to express a decision made at the moment of speaking, rather than a pre-planned action or event. This use of "will" indicates spontaneity and immediacy in the decision-making process.
- "I'm thirsty." "I will get you a glass of water." - The decision to get a glass of water is made spontaneously in response to hearing someone is thirsty.
- "It's cold in here." "I will close the window." - The action of closing the window is decided upon at the moment, without pre-planning.
- "We need another chair." "I will bring one." - The speaker decides to bring a chair right at that moment.
- "This looks heavy." "I will help you with it." - The offer to help is made spontaneously.
- "The phone is ringing." "I will answer it." - The decision to answer the phone is made instantly.
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