un, in, im prefix exercises-2
un, in, im prefixes before words
Exercises using un-, in-, im- before words
1. "Impartial advice from a consultant can help resolve ________ disputes."
a. external (extern)
b. internal (intern)
c. minor (geringfügig)
a. external (extern)
b. internal (intern)
c. minor (geringfügig)
2. "Every business strategy has its ________ aspects that need refining."
a. perfect (perfekt)
b. flawless (fehlerlos)
c. imperfect (unvollkommen)
a. perfect (perfekt)
b. flawless (fehlerlos)
c. imperfect (unvollkommen)
3. "It's ________ to expect a large profit margin in the first year."
a. practical (praktisch)
b. impractical (unpraktisch)
c. reasonable (vernünftig)
a. practical (praktisch)
b. impractical (unpraktisch)
c. reasonable (vernünftig)
4. "Being ________ in business negotiations can lead to unfavorable outcomes."
a. patient (geduldig)
b. impatient (ungeduldig)
c. eager (eifrig)
a. patient (geduldig)
b. impatient (ungeduldig)
c. eager (eifrig)
5. "Some brands become ________ in the minds of consumers."
a. forgotten (vergessen)
b. immortal (unsterblich)
c. temporary (vorübergehend)
a. forgotten (vergessen)
b. immortal (unsterblich)
c. temporary (vorübergehend)
6. "Their business model is still ________ and needs development."
a. mature (ausgereift)
b. immature (unreif)
c. advanced (fortgeschritten)
a. mature (ausgereift)
b. immature (unreif)
c. advanced (fortgeschritten)
7. "The project failed due to the manager's ________ decision-making."
a. competent (kompetent)
b. incompetent (inkompetent)
c. decisive (entscheidungsfreudig)
a. competent (kompetent)
b. incompetent (inkompetent)
c. decisive (entscheidungsfreudig)
8. "Incomplete data can result in ________ business decisions."
a. excellent (ausgezeichnet)
b. poor (schlecht)
c. informed (informiert)
a. excellent (ausgezeichnet)
b. poor (schlecht)
c. informed (informiert)
9. "Inactive social media accounts can negatively impact ________ visibility."
a. employee (Mitarbeiter)
b. brand (Marke)
c. financial (finanziell)
a. employee (Mitarbeiter)
b. brand (Marke)
c. financial (finanziell)
10. "My new bed is not very comfortable to sleep in. It’s ________"
a. in comfortable
b. imcomfortable
c. uncomfortable
a. in comfortable
b. imcomfortable
c. uncomfortable
11. "Riding a bike without a helmet is ________ ."
a. unsafe
b. imsafe
c. insafe
a. unsafe
b. imsafe
c. insafe
12. "She is ________ and often comes late to appointments."
a. unreliable
b. inreliable
c. imreliable
a. unreliable
b. inreliable
c. imreliable
13. "The glass ring is very ________."
a. unexpensive
b. imexpensive (teuer)
c. inexpensive
a. unexpensive
b. imexpensive (teuer)
c. inexpensive
14. "She always wears old ________ clothes."
a. infashionable
b. unfashionable (unmodisch)
c. imfashionable
a. infashionable
b. unfashionable (unmodisch)
c. imfashionable
15. "Eating only chips and burgers is ________."
a. unhealthy (ungesund)
b. inhealthy
c. imhealthy
a. unhealthy (ungesund)
b. inhealthy
c. imhealthy
16. "Chips and Sausage is sometimes an ________ lunchtime meal."
a. popular (beliebt)
b. popular
c. inpopular
a. popular (beliebt)
b. popular
c. inpopular
17. "Bringing an umbrella on a sunny day is ________."
a. silly (albern)
b. unnecessary (unnötig)
c. practical (praktisch)
a. silly (albern)
b. unnecessary (unnötig)
c. practical (praktisch)
18. "The mountain air is fresh and ________."
a. impolluted
b. unpolluted
c. inpolluted
a. impolluted
b. unpolluted
c. inpolluted
19. "My friend is ________; she never keeps her promises."
a. unreliable (unzuverlässig)
b. forgetful (vergesslich)
c. reliable (zuverlässig)
a. unreliable (unzuverlässig)
b. forgetful (vergesslich)
c. reliable (zuverlässig)
20. "Not wearing a helmet while cycling is ________."
a. insafe
b. imsafe
c. unsafe
a. insafe
b. imsafe
c. unsafe
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