Get explained
Get explained - Englisch Grammatik Übungen
"Get" und "Become" sind beides Verben, die eine Veränderung anzeigen, aber sie werden in unterschiedlichen Kontexten verwendet und haben verschiedene Konnotationen. Zu verstehen, wann man jedes verwendet, kann helfen, die genaue Bedeutung zu vermitteln, die man beabsichtigt. Oft ist die Verwendung eine Frage des Gefühls, was schwer zu erklären ist und nur durch Beispiele und Erfahrung erlernbar ist.
"Get" and "Become" are both verbs that indicate change, but they are used in different contexts and have different connotations. Understanding when to use each can help convey the precise meaning you intend.
Often the use is a question of feeling which is difficult to explain and only learnable by examples and experience.
Often the use is a question of feeling which is difficult to explain and only learnable by examples and experience.
- Änderung des Zustands oder der Bedingung: "Get" wird häufig verwendet, um eine Änderung des Zustands oder der Bedingung anzuzeigen.
- She will get tired after running a marathon.
- The milk will get sour if you leave it out of the fridge.
- Erwirken: "Get" kann auch bedeuten, etwas zu erwerben.
- I need to get groceries on the way home.
- She wants to get a new car next year.
- Zwanglos oder informell: Der Gebrauch von "get" ist im Allgemeinen eher zwanglos und informell.
- I got really excited when I heard the news.
- Let’s get going; we’re going to be late.
- Verschiedene Bedeutungen: "Get" hat eine breite Palette von Bedeutungen und kann in zahlreichen Kontexten verwendet werden.
- He got a promotion at work.
- We need to get ready for the party.
- Wechsel in einen anderen Zustand oder eine andere Rolle: "Become" impliziert eine Umwandlung oder einen Wechsel in einen anderen Zustand, eine andere Rolle oder eine andere Bedingung.
- He will become a doctor after finishing medical school.
- The caterpillar will become a butterfly.
- Allmähliche Veränderung oder Entwicklung: "Werden" impliziert oft eine allmähliche Veränderung oder Entwicklung.
- The weather is becoming colder as winter approaches.
- She is becoming more confident in her abilities.
- Formell oder literarisch: Die Verwendung von "Become" ist im Allgemeinen eher formell oder literarisch.
- It has become apparent that we need to make some changes.
- His efforts have become crucial to the project’s success.
- Angemessenheit oder Angemessenheit: "Werden" kann sich auch auf das beziehen, was jemandem steht oder gut aussieht.
- That dress looks really becoming on her.
- The new hairstyle is very becoming.
Change of State or Condition: "Get" is often used to indicate a change of state or condition.
Change of State or Condition: "Get" is often used to indicate a change of state or condition.
- She will get tired after running a marathon.
- The milk will get sour if you leave it out of the fridge.
- I need to get groceries on the way home.
- She wants to get a new car next year.
- I got really excited when I heard the news.
- Let’s get going; we’re going to be late.
- He got a promotion at work.
- We need to get ready for the party.
- Change into a Different State or Role: "Become" implies a transformation or change into a different state, role, or condition.
- He will become a doctor after finishing medical school.
- The caterpillar will become a butterfly.
- Gradual Change or Development: "Become" often implies a more gradual change or development.
- The weather is becoming colder as winter approaches.
- She is becoming more confident in her abilities.
- Formal or Literary: The use of "become" is generally more formal or literary.
- It has become apparent that we need to make some changes.
- His efforts have become crucial to the project’s success.
- Suitability or Appropriateness: "Become" can also refer to what suits or looks good on someone.
- That dress looks really becoming on her.
- The new hairstyle is very becoming.
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