Businessenglisch Vokabeln-List
Businessenglisch Vokabeln-List | die 200 wichtigsten englischen Geschäftswörter
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1) Business Operations (Betriebswirtschaft)
- Supply Chain Management (Lieferkettenmanagement) - Overseeing the production and distribution of products.
- Project Management (Projektmanagement) - Planning and executing projects from start to finish.
- Quality Assurance (Qualitätssicherung) - Ensuring products or services meet certain standards.
- Budgeting (Budgetierung) - Allocating financial resources for various business needs.
- Financial Reporting (Finanzberichterstattung) - Creating balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow reports.
- Investment (Investition) - Making decisions about capital expenditures or securities.
- Advertising (Werbung) - Creating and disseminating messages to attract customers.
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (Kundenbeziehungsmanagement) - Managing interactions with current and potential customers.
- Market Research (Marktforschung) - Gathering information about consumer needs and preferences.
- Recruitment (Personalbeschaffung) - Attracting and hiring new employees.
- Training and Development (Ausbildung und Entwicklung) - Educating employees to improve skills and performance.
- Employee Relations (Mitarbeiterbeziehungen) - Managing workplace issues like benefits, policies, and conflicts.
- Business Analysis (Unternehmensanalyse) - Evaluating business processes, requirements, and outcomes.
- Strategic Planning (Strategische Planung) - Defining organizational direction and making decisions on resource allocations.
- Competitive Analysis (Wettbewerbsanalyse) - Assessing competitors' strengths and weaknesses.
- Licensing (Lizenzierung) - Obtaining the necessary permits and licenses to operate.
- Corporate Governance (Unternehmensführung) - Following laws, regulations, and best practices in business operations.
- Ethics and Sustainability (Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit) - Ensuring ethical conduct and responsible use of resources.
- Global Marketing (Globales Marketing) - Extending marketing strategies to different countries.
- Trade Regulations (Handelsvorschriften) - Understanding and complying with international trade laws.
- Cross-Cultural Management (Interkulturelles Management) - Managing diverse workforces and global teams.
- Information Systems (Informationssysteme) - Managing databases, networks, and other technological resources.
- E-commerce (E-Handel) - Conducting business transactions online.
- Cybersecurity (Cybersicherheit) - Protecting business information from digital threats.
- Partnerships (Partnerschaften) - Forming alliances with other businesses for mutual benefit.
- Investor Relations (Investor Relations) - Managing relationships with shareholders and stakeholders.
- Public Relations (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit) - Managing the public image of the business.
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