Can and Could Exercises - Part 2
Can and Could Exercises - Part 2 | Englisch Grammatik Übungen
Can and Could Exercises. Entscheide, ob "can" oder "could" das richtige Wort für die Lücke ist
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1. She ______ believe she won the lottery; it's like a dream come true. can't
2.We ______ visit my grandparents (Großeltern) next weekend. can
3. They ______ go to the concert next week because they have exams. can't
4. She ______ always understand complex math problems when she was younger. could
5. We ______ swim in this lake; it's too polluted (verseucht). can't
6. He ______ run the marathon last year. couldn’t
7. You ______ enter this area without proper identification. can't
8. They ______ go camping (zelten) next month. can
9. They ______ afford to go on vacation this year; their budget is too tight. can't
10. He ______ reach the top shelf, so he had to use a step ladder. couldn't
11. He ______ decide which shirt to wear. couldn't
12. I ______ find my keys this morning, so I was late for work. couldn't
13. ______ you tell me the time, please? Can
14. He ______ understand the instructions, no matter how many times he read them. couldn't
15. In my country, we ______ see the Northern Lights in winter. can
16.The children ______ sleep last night because of the thunderstorm (Unwetter). couldn't
17. I ______ know why she was upset (aufgeregt). couldn't
18. She ______ finish the marathon due to a sudden injury(plötzliche Verletzung). couldn't
19. You ______ read this book if you have nothing to do; it's really interesting. could
20. She ______ sing beautifully when she was young. could
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