Businessenglisch Vokabeln-1
Businessenglisch Vokabeln-1. Liste der 200 wichtigsten Geschäftswörter
1. Account - Konto
- Example: I need to check my bank account to see if the payment has been received.
- Example: Graduating from university was a significant achievement for her.
- Example: Our company plans to acquire a new software system to improve efficiency.
- Example: The new product advertisement will be shown on TV next week.
- Example: Our financial advisor recommended diversifying our investments.
- Example: Let's review the meeting agenda before we start.
- Example: We need to reach an agreement on the contract terms before signing.
- Example: The budget allocation for marketing has been increased this year.
- Example: The market analysis suggests a growing demand for eco-friendly products.
- - Example: The CEO made an important announcement about the company's future plans.
- Example: We hold an annual meeting to discuss our performance and goals.
12. Appraisal - Bewertung
- Example: Employee appraisals help identify areas for improvement.
13. Assets - Vermögenswerte
- Example: The company's total assets include property, equipment, and cash.
14. Audit - Prüfung
- Example: The financial audit revealed no irregularities in the accounts.
15. Authority - Autorität
- Example: The manager has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the company.
16. Balance - Gleichgewicht
- Example: Maintaining a work-life balance is important for well-being.
17. Benchmark - Benchmark
- Example: Our goal is to surpass the industry benchmark in customer satisfaction.
18. Benefits - Vorteile
- Example: Employee benefits include health insurance and retirement plans.
19. Board - Vorstand
- Example: The board of directors meets monthly to discuss company strategy.
20. Brand - Marke
- Example: Building a strong brand is crucial for market success.
21. Budget - Budget
- Example: We need to create a realistic budget for next year's projects.
22. Business - Geschäft
- Example: Starting a small business can be challenging but rewarding.
23. Capital - Kapital
- Example: We secured additional capital to expand our operations.
24. Cash - Bargeld
- Example: Please pay in cash or use a credit card for this purchase.
25. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) - Geschäftsführer
- Example: The CEO is responsible for leading the company's strategy.
26. Certificate - Zertifikat
- Example: She received a certificate for completing the training program.
27. Chairman - Vorsitzender
- Example: The chairman of the board presided over the meeting.
28. Client - Kunde
- Example: Our client requested a customized software solution.
29. Collaboration - Zusammenarbeit
- Example: Successful projects often result from strong collaboration among team members.
30. Commerce - Handel
- Example: International commerce has expanded due to globalization.
31. Communication - Kommunikation
- Example: Effective communication is essential in a team.
32. Compensation - Entschädigung
- Example: Employee compensation includes salary, bonuses, and benefits.
33. Competitor - Wettbewerber
- Example: We need to analyze our competitors to stay competitive.
34. Conference - Konferenz
- Example: The annual industry conference will be held in Berlin.
35. Consultant - Berater
- Example: We hired a consultant to improve our marketing strategy.
36. Consumer - Verbraucher
- Example: Understanding consumer preferences is crucial for product development.
37. Contract - Vertrag
- Example: We signed a contract with the supplier for regular deliveries.
38. Corporation - Unternehmen
- Example: Our corporation operates in over 30 countries.
39. Credit - Kredit
- Example: The bank approved the loan based on the applicant's credit history.
40. Crisis - Krise
- Example: The company faced a financial crisis during the recession.
41. Customer - Kunde
- Example: Providing excellent service is essential for retaining customers.
42. Data - Daten
- Example: We collect and analyze data to improve our marketing strategy.
43. Deadline - Frist
- Example: We need to meet the project deadline to launch on time.
44. Debt - Schulden
- Example: Managing the company's debt is a top priority for the CFO.
45. Decision - Entscheidung
- Example: Making informed decisions is key to business success.
46. Deficit - Defizit
- Example: The budget showed a significant deficit this year.
47. Delegation - Delegation
- Example: The manager practiced effective delegation of tasks.
48. Department - Abteilung
- Example: The marketing department is responsible for promotions.
49. Development - Entwicklung
- Example: Continuous development of new products is essential.
50. Director - Direktor
- Example: The director of operations oversees production.
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