Businessenglisch Vokabeln-List-1
Businessenglisch Vokabeln-List-1 | die 200 wichtigsten englischen Geschäftswörter
- Account - Konto
- I have a bank account.
- Achievement - Leistung
- Winning the race was a great achievement.
- Acquire - erwerben
- She wants to acquire new skills.
- Advertisement - Werbung
- The advertisement on TV was funny.
- Advisor - Berater
- My advisor helps me with my career.
- Agenda - Tagesordnung
- Let's check the agenda for the meeting.
- Agreement - Vereinbarung
- We reached an agreement on the contract terms.
- Allocation - Zuteilung
- The allocation of funds is important.
- Analysis - Analyse
- The data analysis took a long time.
- Announcement - Ankündigung
- There's an important announcement to make.
- Annual - jährlich
- Our annual party is in December.
- Appraisal - Bewertung
- I received a positive appraisal at work.
- Assets - Vermögenswerte
- The company's assets include buildings and equipment.
- Audit - Prüfung
- They conducted an audit of our finances.
- Authority - Autorität
- The police have the authority to enforce laws.
- Balance - Gleichgewicht
- Finding work-life balance is important.
- Benchmark - Benchmark
- We use industry benchmarks to measure success.
- Benefits - Vorteile
- Employee benefits include health insurance.
- Board - Vorstand
- The board of directors makes important decisions.
- Brand - Marke
- Coca-Cola is a famous brand.
- Budget - Budget
- We need to create a budget for the project.
- Business - Geschäft
- Running a business can be challenging.
- Capital - Kapital
- They raised capital for their startup.
- Cash - Bargeld
- I prefer to pay with cash.
- CEO (Chief Executive Officer) - Geschäftsführer
- The CEO is the top executive in a company.
- Certificate - Zertifikat
- She received a certificate for completing the course.
- Chairman - Vorsitzender
- The chairman leads the board meetings.
- Client - Kunde
- I have a meeting with a client tomorrow.
- Collaboration - Zusammenarbeit
- Collaboration is key to success.
- Commerce - Handel
- International commerce involves trade between countries.
- Communication - Kommunikation
- Good communication is essential in any relationship.
- Compensation - Entschädigung
- Employees receive compensation for their work.
- Competitor - Wettbewerber
- Our main competitor just launched a new product.
- Conference - Konferenz
- I'm attending a conference next week.
- Consultant - Berater
- We hired a consultant to improve our processes.
- Consumer - Verbraucher
- Consumers buy products and services.
- Contract - Vertrag
- We need to sign a contract for the project.
- Corporation - Unternehmen
- Apple Inc. is a well-known corporation.
- Credit - Kredit
- I applied for a credit card.
- Crisis - Krise
- The company faced a financial crisis.
- Customer - Kunde
- Customer satisfaction is important to us.
- Data - Daten
- We collect data to analyze trends.
- Deadline - Frist
- The deadline for the report is Friday.
- Debt - Schulden
- Paying off debt is a financial goal.
- Decision - Entscheidung
- Making the right decision is crucial.
- Deficit - Defizit
- The government has a budget deficit.
- Delegation - Delegation
- I'm part of the delegation attending the conference.
- Department - Abteilung
- HR is the Human Resources department.
- Development - Entwicklung
- Software development requires coding skills.
- Director - Direktor
- The director oversees the company's operations.
- Sie können einen kostenpflichtigen Termin bei mir vereinbaren, ohne weitere Verpflichtungen. Wenn Sie mit mir nicht zufrieden sind, dann machen wir keine weiteren Termine :)
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