Berlitz Münster
Berlitz Münster: meine Werdegang mit Berlitz Sprachschulen
- Accommodation & Surroundings:
- Did you like the hotel?
- How many beds were in your room?
- Was the hotel clean?
- Did the children have their own room?
- Was the hotel near the beach?
- Was there a swimming pool at the hotel?
- Did you have a good view from your window?
- Was the area quiet at night?
- Did the hotel staff speak English?
- Was the hotel close to a park?
- Food & Drink:
- Did you eat breakfast at the hotel?
- Was the food good?
- Did you try any local dishes?
- Did the children like the food?
- Was there a restaurant at the hotel?
- Did you eat ice cream every day?
- Was the drinking water safe?
- Did you cook your own food at the hotel?
- Activities & Walks:
- Did you go for a walk every day?
- Did you visit any parks or gardens?
- Did the children play on the beach?
- Was there a playground nearby?
- Did you go hiking in the mountains?
- Did you see any animals during your walks?
- Did you take a boat ride?
- People & Experiences:
- Did you meet any friendly people?
- Did the children make new friends?
- Was everyone helpful?
- Did you have any problems on your holiday?
- Did you enjoy your holiday?
You said:
What did you pack?
ChatGPT said:
ChatGPTHere are some simple questions related to packing for a holiday:- Did you pack warm clothes?
- Did you pack sunscreen?
- Did you bring a swimsuit?
- Did you pack any toys for the children?
- Did you bring enough
You said:
carry on
ChatGPT said:
ChatGPTHere are more simple questions related to packing and preparing for a holiday:- Did you bring passports?
- Did you pack your toothbrush?
- Did you bring towels?
- Did you pack books for the children?
- Did you bring a first aid kit?
- Did you pack an umbrella?
- Did you bring hats and sunglasses?
- Did you pack a map or travel guide?
- Did you bring your wallet?
- Did you pack a jacket for cool evenings?