Summer Time
Summer Time | English Vocabulary | Englisch Münster
Summer Time
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1. Summer is one of the ______ It comes after spring and before autumn. The weather is usually warm or hot.
four seasons:
a) Times of the day (Tageszeiten)
b) Four seasons: (Vier Jahreszeiten)
c) Years (Jahre)
2. Summer starts with the ______ This day is called the summer solstice, and it happens around June 21st in many countries.
longest day:
a) Coldest day (Kältester Tag)
b) Longest day: (Längster Tag)
c) Shortest night (Kürzeste Nacht)
3. Schools often have ______ Many children have a break from school during the summer months.
a) Classes (Unterricht)
b) Holidays: (Ferien)
c) Tests (Prüfungen)
4. The weather is usually ______ It’s a time for sunny and hot days.
a) Colder (Kälter)
b) Warmer: (Wärmer)
c) Rainy (Regnerisch)
5. Summer is a popular time for ______ People often travel, go to the beach, or relax during the summer.
a) Work (Arbeit)
b) Vacations: (Urlaub)
c) Studying (Studieren)
6. Many ______ Fruits like strawberries and watermelons are ready to eat during summer.
fruits grow in summer:
a) Flowers bloom in winter (Blumen blühen im Winter)
b) Animals hibernate in summer (Tiere halten Winterschlaf im Sommer)
c) Fruits grow in summer: (Früchte wachsen im Sommer)
7. Days are ______ The sun stays up longer, so there is more daylight.
longer in summer:
a) Shorter in winter (Kürzer im Winter)
b) Longer in summer: (Länger im Sommer)
c) Darker in autumn (Dunkler im Herbst)
8. People enjoy ______ Swimming, hiking, and having barbecues are common things to do.
outdoor activities:
a) Indoor activities (Innenaktivitäten)
b) Outdoor activities: (Aktivitäten im Freien)
c) Sleeping all day (Den ganzen Tag schlafen)
9. Summer can bring ______ Sometimes, the hot weather causes storms with lightning and rain.
a) Snowstorms (Schneestürme)
b) Thunderstorms: (Gewitter)
c) Sunny days (Sonnige Tage)
10. People wear ______ It’s common to wear shorts, t-shirts, and dresses to stay cool.
light clothes:
a) Heavy clothes (Schwere Kleidung)
b) Light clothes: (Leichte Kleidung)
c) Raincoats (Regenmäntel)
11. Summer can be ______ In some places, it doesn’t rain much, and the ground can get very dry.
a) Wet (Nass)
b) Dry: (Trocken)
c) Cold (Kalt)
12. Many people ______ There are festivals and events to welcome the warm season.
celebrate summer:
a) Celebrate winter (Feiern den Winter)
b) Celebrate summer: (Feiern den Sommer)
c) Work hard (Hart arbeiten)
13. The sun is very ______ It’s important to wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats to protect your skin.
strong in summer:
a) Weak in winter (Schwach im Winter)
b) Strong in summer: (Stark im Sommer)
c) Dark in autumn (Dunkel im Herbst)
14. The “Dog Days of Summer” are the ______ These days usually happen in late July.
hottest days:
a) Coldest days (Kälteste Tage)
b) Hottest days: (Heißeste Tage)
c) Rainiest days (Regnerischste Tage)
15. Insects are more ______ You might see more mosquitoes, bees, and other bugs.
active in summer:
a) Lazy in winter (Faul im Winter)
b) Active in summer: (Aktiv im Sommer)
c) Sleeping in autumn (Schlafen im Herbst)
16. ______ In some countries, people set off fireworks to celebrate holidays.
Fireworks are common in summer:
a) Fireworks are common in summer: (Feuerwerk ist im Sommer üblich)
b) Fireworks are banned in winter (Feuerwerk ist im Winter verboten)
c) Fireworks are dangerous (Feuerwerk ist gefährlich)
17. Libraries have ______ These programs help children read more books during the summer.
summer reading programs:
a) Winter writing programs (Winter-Schreibprogramme)
b) Summer reading programs: (Sommerleseprogramme)
c) Spring cleaning programs (Frühjahrsputzprogramme)
18. Ice cream is very ______ People love to eat cold treats like ice cream when it’s hot.
popular in summer:
a) Popular in summer: (Im Sommer beliebt)
b) Expensive in winter (Im Winter teuer)
c) Banned in autumn (Im Herbst verboten)
19. Some places get a
lot of ______ In countries with monsoon seasons, summer brings heavy rains.
rain in summer:
a) Snow in winter (Schnee im Winter)
b) Rain in summer: (Regen im Sommer)
c) Wind in autumn (Wind im Herbst)
20. Summer is full of ______ Many towns have outdoor concerts and events in the warm weather.
music and festivals:
a) Snow and ice (Schnee und Eis)
b) Music and festivals: (Musik und Festivals)
c) Cold and frost (Kälte und Frost)
21. Plants and flowers ______ The warm weather helps gardens become full of colorful flowers.
grow well in summer:
a) Grow well in summer: (Wachsen gut im Sommer)
b) Die in winter (Sterben im Winter)
c) Stay small in spring (Bleiben klein im Frühling)
22. Nights are ______ The sun sets later, so there is less nighttime.
shorter in summer:
a) Longer in winter (Länger im Winter)
b) Shorter in summer: (Kürzer im Sommer)
c) Darker in autumn (Dunkler im Herbst)
23. Hurricanes can ______ In some parts of the world, big storms called hurricanes are more common in summer.
happen in summer:
a) Happen in summer: (Im Sommer auftreten)
b) Melt in spring (Im Frühling schmelzen)
c) Disappear in winter (Im Winter verschwinden)
24. Summer foods are ______ Barbecues, salads, and grilled vegetables are popular summer meals.
a) Cold (Kalt)
b) Special: (Besonders)
c) Bland (Langweilig)
25. People use ______ To stay cool, many homes and buildings use air conditioning.
more air conditioning in summer:
a) Less heating in winter (Weniger Heizung im Winter)
b) More air conditioning in summer: (Mehr Klimaanlage im Sommer)
c) More blankets in autumn (Mehr Decken im Herbst)
26. Animals are ______ Birds, insects, and other animals are busy finding food and moving around.
active in summer:
a) Sleepy in winter (Müde im Winter)
b) Active in summer: (Aktiv im Sommer)
c) Hibernating in autumn (Winterschlaf im Herbst)
27. Summer can ______ In some places, the air feels sticky and heavy because of the moisture.
feel humid:
a) Feel dry (Trocken fühlen)
b) Feel humid: (Feucht fühlen)
c) Feel cold (Kalt fühlen)
28. Summer festivals ______ Towns often have events to show their traditions, food, and crafts.
celebrate local culture:
a) Celebrate local culture: (Feiern lokale Kultur)
b) Mourn the harvest (Trauern um die Ernte)
c) Ignore traditions (Ignorieren Traditionen)
29. Gardening is ______ People like to plant and care for gardens in the warm weather.
popular in summer:
a) Boring in autumn (Langweilig im Herbst)
b) Popular in summer: (Beliebt im Sommer)
c) Dangerous in winter (Gefährlich im Winter)
30. Summer solstice has ______ Some people celebrate the longest day of the year with special customs and events.
old traditions:
a) New technologies (Neue Technologien)
b) Old traditions: (Alte Traditionen)
c) Unusual activities (Ungewöhnliche Aktivitäten)
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