Have got, Haven’t got
Haven’t got | Englisch Münster
- Have: Wird verwendet, um Besitz oder Eigentum sowie bestimmte Handlungen oder Erfahrungen auszudrücken.
- Beispiel (Besitz): "I have a car." (Ich habe ein Auto.)
- Beispiel (Erfahrung): "I have been to Paris." (Ich war in Paris.)
- Have not (haven't): Die negative Form von "have", die angibt, dass etwas nicht besessen wird oder eine Handlung nicht stattgefunden hat.
- Beispiel (Besitz): "I do not have a car." (Ich habe kein Auto.)
- Beispiel (Erfahrung): "I have not seen that movie." (Ich habe diesen Film nicht gesehen.)
- Have got: Wird oft in informellem britischem Englisch verwendet und bedeutet dasselbe wie "have" im Sinne von Besitz.
- Beispiel: "I have got a car." (Ich habe ein Auto.)
- Haven't got: Die negative Form von "have got", die angibt, dass etwas nicht besessen wird.
- Beispiel: "I haven't got any money." (Ich habe kein Geld.)
1. He ______ the habit of checking his emails first thing in the morning. He finds it better than in the evening.
a) has
b) haven't
c) have got
2. I ______ developed the habit of exercising regularly. But I'm still trying.
a) have
b) haven't
c) has got
3. She ______ a habit of organizing her desk every week. It helps her stay focused and productive.
a) has got
b) has
c) haven't
4. We ______ made it a habit to go to bed early. We often stay up late working or watching TV.
a) have got
b) haven't
c) has
5. They ______ created a habit of cleaning the house weekly. They usually wait until it becomes too messy.
a) have got
b) haven't
c) has
6. I ______ a habit of drinking water throughout the day. It helps me stay hydrated and feel energetic.
a) have
b) hasn't
c) haven't
7. They ______ the habit of walking in the park every weekend. It's a great way for them to relax and enjoy nature.
have got
a) haven't
b) have got
c) has
8. He ______ a habit of cleaning his room every Saturday. He believes it keeps his space neat and organized.
a) have got
b) has
c) haven't
9. She ______ a habit of reading before bed. It helps her unwind and fall asleep more easily.
a) have got
b) has
c) haven't
10. We ______ the habit of visiting the library once a month. We enjoy discovering new books and resources.
have got
a) haven't
b) has
c) have got
11. He ______ the habit of taking breaks during work. This often leads to him feeling fatigued by the end of the day.
hasn't got
a) has
b) hasn't got
c) haven't
12. I ______ a habit of drinking coffee every morning. It kick-starts my day and helps me stay alert.
a) have
b) hasn't
c) have got
13. She ______ made it a habit to drink enough water. She often forgets, especially when she's busy.
a) hasn't
b) have
c) has got
14. They ______ a routine of exercising every day. It keeps them fit and boosts their mood.
a) haven't got
b) have
c) has
15. She ______ a routine of writing in her journal each night. It helps her reflect on her day and set goals.
has got
a) has got
b) haven't
c) has
16. We ______ got the habit of eating dinner together. Our busy schedules make it hard to coordinate.
a) have got
b) hasn't
c) haven't
17. I ______ got the habit of reading every day. I usually find it hard to make time for it.
a) has got
b) haven't
c) have
18. They ______ made it a habit to eat breakfast every morning. They often skip it or grab something quickly.
a) have
b) hasn't got
c) haven't
19. I ______ the habit of making my bed every morning. It gives me a sense of accomplishment to start the day.
a) haven't
b) has
c) have
20. We ______ dinner together every evening. It's a special time for family bonding and catching up.
a) have got
b) have
c) hasn't
21. She ______ formed the habit of writing in her planner. She sometimes forgets to use it regularly.
a) has
b) have got
c) hasn't
22. He ______ a habit of checking his phone too often. It often distracts him from focusing on important tasks.
a) has
b) haven't
c) have got
23. We ______ into the habit of going for a walk after dinner. It helps us digest our food and enjoy the evening.
have got
a) haven't
b) have got
c) has
24. They ______ into the habit of watching a movie every weekend. It's their way of relaxing and spending time together.
have got
a) haven't
b) have got
c) has
25. She ______ a routine of waking up early every day. It gives her a head start on her tasks and responsibilities.
a) has
b) have got
c) hasn't
26. They ______ into the habit of calling their parents on Sundays. It’s a nice way to stay connected and share updates.
have got
a) haven't
b) has
c) have got
27. I ______ made it a habit to drink enough water each day. I need to remind myself more often to stay hydrated.
a) have
b) haven't
c) has
28. He ______ the habit of listening to music while working. It helps him concentrate and makes the workday more enjoyable.
a) has
b) haven't got
c) have got
29. She ______ a habit of organizing her workspace. It makes it easier for her to find what she needs and stay productive.
a) have
b) hasn't
c) has
30. He ______ developed a habit of regular walks yet. He’s hoping to start soon to improve his health and well-being.
a) has got
b) haven't
c) hasn't
Kenneth GillEnglisch TrainerEnglisch Trainer |