English Vocabulary | Children-2
English Vocabulary | Children-2 | Englisch Vokabeln Übungen
1. When a child has a fever, it's important to give them ______.
plenty of fluids
a) candy (Süßigkeiten)
b) solid food (feste Nahrung)
c) plenty of fluids (viel Flüssigkeit)
2. If a child has a rash, you should avoid using too much ______.
harsh soaps
a) warm water (warmes Wasser)
b) lotion (Lotion)
c) soap ( Seife)
3. A child with a stomach ache should eat ______.
bland foods
a) junk food (Junkfood)
b) spicy foods (scharfe Speisen)
c) bland foods (schonende Nahrung)
4. To reduce a fever, you can use a ______ on the child's forehead.
cool compress
a) blanket (Decke)
b) cool compress (kühle Kompresse)
c) heating pad (Heizkissen)
5. When a child is ill, they should get ______.
plenty of rest
a) outdoor activities (Aktivitäten im Freien)
b) lots of playtime (viel Spielzeit)
c) plenty of rest (viel Ruhe)
6. If a child has a sore throat, they should drink ______.
warm liquids
a) soda (Limonade)
b) warm liquids (warme Flüssigkeiten)
c) cold milk (kalte Milch)
7. You should contact a doctor if the child's fever lasts more than ______.
three days
a) one hour (eine Stunde)
b) two weeks (zwei Wochen)
c) three days (drei Tage)
8. When a child is coughing a lot, it's helpful to use a ______ in their room.
a) air conditioner (Klimaanlage)
b) dehumidifier (Entfeuchter)
c) humidifier (Luftbefeuchter)
9. A child with an ear infection might need ______ prescribed by a doctor.
a) bandages (Verbände)
b) vitamins (Vitamine)
c) antibiotics (Antibiotika)
10. When a child is vomiting, it's best to give them ______.
small sips of water
a) large meals (große Mahlzeiten)
b) sugary drinks (zuckerhaltige Getränke)
c) small sips of water (kleine Schlucke Wasser)
11. To help relieve congestion, a child can inhale steam from ______.
a warm shower
a) ice water (Eiswasser)
b) a cold bath (ein kaltes Bad)
c) a warm shower (eine warme Dusche)
12. If a child has diarrhea, they should avoid eating ______.
dairy products
a) rice (Reis)
b) bananas (Bananen)
c) dairy products (Milchprodukte)
13. When a child has a stuffy nose, using a ______ can help clear their nasal passages.
saline spray
a) lotion (Lotion)
b) perfume (Parfüm)
c) saline spray (Kochsalzspray)
14. A child with the flu should avoid contact with ______ to prevent spreading the illness.
other children
a) pets (Haustiere)
b) their toys (ihre Spielsachen)
c) other children (andere Kinder)
15. It's important to keep a child hydrated when they have ______.
a high fever
a) a sore finger (ein schmerzender Finger)
b) a high fever (hohes Fieber)
c) a runny nose (eine laufende Nase)
16. To help a child with nausea, you can offer them ______.
ginger tea
a) cold coffee (kalter Kaffee)
b) ginger tea (Ingwertee)
c) orange juice (Orangensaft)
17. A child should stay home from school if they have ______.
a contagious illness
a) a haircut (einen Haarschnitt)
b) a contagious illness (eine ansteckende Krankheit)
c) a small bruise (eine kleine Prellung)
18. If a child has trouble sleeping due to illness, you can try ______.
raising their head with extra pillows
a) giving them candy (ihnen Süßigkeiten geben)
b) raising their head with extra pillows (ihren Kopf mit zusätzlichen Kissen hochlegen)
c) playing loud music (laute Musik spielen)
19. For a child with a headache, you can apply ______ to their forehead.
a cool cloth
a) sunscreen (Sonnencreme)
b) a cool cloth (ein kühles Tuch)
c) hot soup (heiße Suppe)
20. If a child has an upset stomach, they should avoid ______.
greasy foods
a) soup (Suppe)
b) greasy foods (fetthaltige Lebensmittel)
c) toast (Toastbrot)
1. When a child has a fever, it's important to give them ______.
plenty of fluids
a) plenty of fluids (viel Flüssigkeit)
b) candy (Süßigkeiten)
c) solid food (feste Nahrung)
2. If a child has a rash, you should avoid using ______.
harsh soaps
a) harsh soaps (starke Seifen)
b) lotion (Lotion)
c) warm water (warmes Wasser)
3. A child with a stomach ache should eat ______.
bland foods
a) bland foods (schonende Nahrung)
b) spicy foods (scharfe Speisen)
c) junk food (Junkfood)
4. To reduce a fever, you can use a ______ on the child's forehead.
cool compress
a) cool compress (kühle Kompresse)
b) heating pad (Heizkissen)
c) blanket (Decke)
5. When a child is ill, they should get ______.
plenty of rest
a) plenty of rest (viel Ruhe)
b) lots of playtime (viel Spielzeit)
c) outdoor activities (Aktivitäten im Freien)
6. If a child has a sore throat, they should drink ______.
warm liquids
a) warm liquids (warme Flüssigkeiten)
b) cold milk (kalte Milch)
c) soda (Limonade)
7. You should contact a doctor if the child's fever lasts more than ______.
three days
a) three days (drei Tage)
b) one hour (eine Stunde)
c) two weeks (zwei Wochen)
8. When a child is coughing a lot, it's helpful to use a ______ in their room.
a) humidifier (Luftbefeuchter)
b) dehumidifier (Entfeuchter)
c) air conditioner (Klimaanlage)
9. A child with an ear infection might need ______ prescribed by a doctor.
a) antibiotics (Antibiotika)
b) vitamins (Vitamine)
c) bandages (Verbände)
10. When a child is vomiting, it's best to give them ______.
small sips of water
a) small sips of water (kleine Schlucke Wasser)
b) large meals (große Mahlzeiten)
c) sugary drinks (zuckerhaltige Getränke)
11. To help relieve congestion, a child can inhale steam from ______.
a warm shower
a) a warm shower (eine warme Dusche)
b) a cold bath (ein kaltes Bad)
c) ice water (Eiswasser)
12. If a child has diarrhea, they should avoid eating ______.
dairy products
a) dairy products (Milchprodukte)
b) rice (Reis)
c) bananas (Bananen)
13. When a child has a stuffy nose, using a ______ can help clear their nasal passages.
saline spray
a) saline spray (Kochsalzspray)
b) perfume (Parfüm)
c) lotion (Lotion)
14. A child with the flu should avoid contact with ______ to prevent spreading the illness.
other children
a) other children (andere Kinder)
b) their toys (ihre Spielsachen)
c) pets (Haustiere)
15. It's important to keep a child hydrated when they have ______.
a high fever
a) a high fever (hohes Fieber)
b) a sore finger (ein schmerzender Finger)
c) a runny nose (eine laufende Nase)
16. To help a child with nausea, you can offer them ______.
ginger tea
a) ginger tea (Ingwertee)
b) cold coffee (kalter Kaffee)
c) orange juice (Orangensaft)
17. A child should stay home from school if they have ______.
a contagious illness
a) a contagious illness (eine ansteckende Krankheit)
b) a small bruise (eine kleine Prellung)
c) a haircut (einen Haarschnitt)
18. If a child has trouble sleeping due to illness, you can try ______.
raising their head with extra pillows
a) raising their head with extra pillows (ihren Kopf mit zusätzlichen Kissen erhöhen)
b) giving them a large meal before bed (ihnen eine große Mahlzeit vor dem Schlafengehen geben)
c) letting them watch TV all night (sie die ganze Nacht fernsehen lassen)
19. For a child with an upset stomach, avoid giving them ______.
carbonated drinks
a) carbonated drinks (kohlensäurehaltige Getränke)
b) toast (Toast)
c) water (Wasser)
20. A child should not take ______ without a doctor's approval, as it can cause serious side effects.
a) aspirin (Aspirin)
b) multivitamins (Multivitamine)
c) fruit juice (Fruchtsaft)
21. If a child has a rash, it's important to keep the affected area ______.
clean and dry
a) clean and dry (sauber und trocken)
b) warm and moist (warm und feucht)
c) covered in ointment (mit Salbe bedeckt)
22. A child with an ear infection might pull or tug at their ______.
a) ear (Ohr)
b) hair (Haare)
c) nose (Nase)
23. If a child has a sore throat, they might find relief by drinking ______.
warm tea with honey
a) warm tea with honey (warmer Tee mit Honig)
b) cold soda (kalte Limonade)
c) iced water (Eiswasser)
24. To prevent dehydration, a child with a fever should be encouraged to drink ______.
plenty of fluids
a) plenty of fluids (viel Flüssigkeit)
b) sugary drinks (zuckerhaltige Getränke)
c) salty snacks (salzige Snacks)
25. When a child is vomiting, it's best to give them ______ frequently.
small sips of water
a) small sips of water (kleine Schlucke Wasser)
b) large meals (große Mahlzeiten)
c) spicy foods (scharfes Essen)
26. If a child has a fever, using a ______ can help reduce their temperature.
cool compress
a) cool compress (kühle Kompresse)
b) hot towel (heißes Handtuch)
c) electric blanket (elektrische Decke)
27. A child with a cough may benefit from a spoonful of ______ before bed.
a) honey (Honig)
b) sugar (Zucker)
c) salt (Salz)
28. To soothe a child's itchy skin, applying ______ can help.
calamine lotion
a) calamine lotion (Kalaminenlotion)
b) toothpaste (Zahnpasta)
c) vinegar (Essig)
29. A child with a cold should be given plenty of ______ to help them recover.
a) rest (Ruhe)
b) exercise (Bewegung)
c) snacks (Snacks)
30. If a child's fever is high and persistent, it's important to ______.
seek medical advice
a) seek medical advice (ärztlichen Rat einholen)
b) ignore it (es ignorieren)
c) give them candy (ihnen Süßigkeiten geben)
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