Englisch Kräuter
Englisch Kräuter | Englisch Münster
Choose the Correct Herb and then click on the blank to see the answer
26. "Grow ________ for its cucumber-like flavor that adds freshness to salads."
a. sage (Salbei)
b. fennel (Fenchel)
c. burnet (Pimpinelle)
a. sage (Salbei)
b. fennel (Fenchel)
c. burnet (Pimpinelle)
27. "Include ________ in your herb garden to add a peppery flavor to dishes."
a. savory (Bohnenkraut)
b. dill (Dill)
c. mint (Minze)
a. savory (Bohnenkraut)
b. dill (Dill)
c. mint (Minze)
28. "Plant ________ in your garden for its edible, peppery-flavored flowers."
a. fennel (Fenchel)
b. nasturtium (Kapuzinerkresse)
c. sage (Salbei)
a. fennel (Fenchel)
b. nasturtium (Kapuzinerkresse)
c. sage (Salbei)
29. "Grow ________ to attract pollinators and use its leaves for a refreshing tea."
a. thyme (Thymian)
b. bee balm (Monarda)
c. chives (Schnittlauch)
a. thyme (Thymian)
b. bee balm (Monarda)
c. chives (Schnittlauch)
30. "Plant ________ in a moist, partly shaded spot to enjoy its tall, architectural presence."
a. angelica (Engelwurz)
b. sage (Salbei)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
a. angelica (Engelwurz)
b. sage (Salbei)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
31. "Include ________ in your garden for its calming effects and attractive flowers."
a. basil (Basilikum)
b. parsley (Petersilie)
c. valerian (Baldrian)
a. basil (Basilikum)
b. parsley (Petersilie)
c. valerian (Baldrian)
32. "Grow ________ for its cheerful, daisy-like flowers and traditional medicinal uses."
a. fennel (Fenchel)
b. feverfew (Mutterkraut)
c. dill (Dill)
a. fennel (Fenchel)
b. feverfew (Mutterkraut)
c. dill (Dill)
33. "Plant ________ in a sunny spot; it's known for its medicinal and culinary uses."
a. mugwort (Beifuß)
b. chives (Schnittlauch)
c. sage (Salbei)
a. mugwort (Beifuß)
b. chives (Schnittlauch)
c. sage (Salbei)
34. "Grow ________ for its sweet, licorice-flavored seeds used in baking."
a. anise (Anis)
b. rosemary (Rosmarin)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
a. anise (Anis)
b. rosemary (Rosmarin)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
35. "Plant ________ in well-drained soil for its aromatic seeds used in bread and dishes."
a. dill (Dill)
b. caraway (Kümmel)
c. oregano (Oregano)
a. dill (Dill)
b. caraway (Kümmel)
c. oregano (Oregano)
36. "Include ________ in your garden for a delicate, parsley-like flavor in spring dishes."
a. chervil (Kerbel)
b. basil (Basilikum)
c. thyme (Thymian)
a. chervil (Kerbel)
b. basil (Basilikum)
c. thyme (Thymian)
37. "Grow ________ as a nutritious green that also supports pollinators."
a. chives (Schnittlauch)
b. dandelion (Löwenzahn)
c. dill (Dill)
a. chives (Schnittlauch)
b. dandelion (Löwenzahn)
c. dill (Dill)
38. "Plant ________ to create a low-growing hedge or for its medicinal properties."
a. fennel (Fenchel)
b. germander (Gamander)
c. sage (Salbei)
a. fennel (Fenchel)
b. germander (Gamander)
c. sage (Salbei)
39. "Grow ________ in a shady spot for its sweet scent and use in traditional German beverages."
a. woodruff (Waldmeister)
b. dill (Dill)
c. parsley (Petersilie)
a. woodruff (Waldmeister)
b. dill (Dill)
c. parsley (Petersilie)
40. "Plant ________ to make a fresh, aromatic addition to your salads and pastas."
a. basil (Basilikum)
b. thyme (Thymian)
c. rosemary (Rosmarin)
a. basil (Basilikum)
b. thyme (Thymian)
c. rosemary (Rosmarin)
41. "Include ________ for its aromatic leaves and spikes of colorful flowers."
a. hyssop (Ysop)
b. chives (Schnittlauch)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
a. hyssop (Ysop)
b. chives (Schnittlauch)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
42. "Plant ________ for its traditional use in herbal remedies and attractive purple flowers."
a. sage (Salbei)
b. self-heal (Prunella)
c. fennel (Fenchel)
a. sage (Salbei)
b. self-heal (Prunella)
c. fennel (Fenchel)
43. "Include ________ in your garden for its bright, aromatic threads used in cooking."
a. thyme (Thymian)
b. saffron (Safran)
c. dill (Dill)
a. thyme (Thymian)
b. saffron (Safran)
c. dill (Dill)
44. "Grow ________ for its unique aroma and traditional medicinal uses."
a. wormwood (Wermut)
b. sage (Salbei)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
a. wormwood (Wermut)
b. sage (Salbei)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
45. "Plant ________ in a dedicated spot to use in teas and as a nutrient-rich compost addition."
a. stinging nettle (Brennnessel)
b. fennel (Fenchel)
c. oregano (Oregano)
a. stinging nettle (Brennnessel)
b. fennel (Fenchel)
c. oregano (Oregano)
46. "Grow ________ for its tall, yellow flowers and traditional medicinal roots."
a. thyme (Thymian)
b. elecampane (Alant)
c. dill (Dill)
a. thyme (Thymian)
b. elecampane (Alant)
c. dill (Dill)
47. "Include ________ in your garden for its fragrant, white flowers and traditional use in herbal medicine."
a. meadowsweet (Mädesüß)
b. fennel (Fenchel)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
a. meadowsweet (Mädesüß)
b. fennel (Fenchel)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
48. "Plant ________ to attract beneficial insects and for its traditional medicinal uses."
a. yarrow (Schafgarbe)
b. basil (Basilikum)
c. parsley (Petersilie)
a. yarrow (Schafgarbe)
b. basil (Basilikum)
c. parsley (Petersilie)
49. "Grow ________ in a contained space to enjoy its minty aroma without it spreading."
a. pennyroyal (Polei-Minze)
b. chives (Schnittlauch)
c. dill (Dill)
a. pennyroyal (Polei-Minze)
b. chives (Schnittlauch)
c. dill (Dill)
50. "Include ________ in your garden for its colorful flowers and traditional medicinal uses."
a. basil (Basilikum)
b. mallow (Malve)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
a. basil (Basilikum)
b. mallow (Malve)
c. marjoram (Majoran)
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