Do & Make Exercises
Do & Make Exercises | Englisch Grammatik Übungen
- The plants are watered every morning. (Die Pflanzen werden jeden Morgen gegossen.)
- I have tended the garden with care. (Ich habe den Garten mit Sorgfalt gepflegt.)
- The soil is very productive this year. (Der Boden ist in diesem Jahr sehr ertragreich.)
- These vegetables are nutritious and fresh. (Dieses Gemüse ist nahrhaft und frisch.)
- Drought-resistant plants thrive in dry conditions. (Dürre-resistente Pflanzen gedeihen bei trockenen Bedingungen.)
- Invasive species can take over a garden quickly. (Invasive Arten können einen Garten schnell übernehmen.)
- The garden is pollinator-friendly, attracting bees and butterflies. (Der Garten ist bienenfreundlich, und zieht Bienen und Schmetterlinge an.)
- The aromatic herbs add a pleasant scent to the garden. (Die aromatischen Kräuter verleihen dem Garten einen angenehmen Duft.)
- The decorative plants add beauty to the landscape. (Die dekorativen Pflanzen verschönern die Landschaft.)
- The soil should be well-drained to prevent root rot. (Der Boden sollte gut durchlässig sein, um Wurzelfäule zu verhindern.)
- Sun-loving plants need plenty of light to thrive. (Sonneliebende Pflanzen benötigen viel Licht, um gut zu gedeihen.)
- This is a fast-growing vine. (Dies ist eine schnell wachsende Kletterpflanze.)
- The garden is full of vibrant flowers. (Der Garten ist voll von lebhaften Blumen.)
- The bushy shrubs create a natural fence. (Die buschigen Sträucher schaffen eine natürliche Hecke.)
- The compact plants fit well in small spaces. (Die kompakten Pflanzen passen gut in kleine Räume.)
- The leafy greens are ready for harvest. (Die blättrigen Kräuter sind bereit zur Ernte.)
- The plant is blight-resistant, so it stays healthy. (Die Pflanze ist krankheitsresistent, daher bleibt sie gesund.)
- We keep the garden weed-free with regular maintenance. (Wir halten den Garten unkrautfrei durch regelmäßige Pflege.)
- The mulched garden beds retain moisture. (Die gemulchten Gartenbeete halten die Feuchtigkeit.)
- The wild flowers attract lots of pollinators. (Die wilden Blumen ziehen viele Bestäuber an.)
1. Let's ______ a cake for the birthday party.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
2. I need to ______ the dishes after dinner tonight.
do the dishes
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
3. I have a lot to ______ before tomorrow's class.
do homework
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
4. She decided to ______ a cake from scratch.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
5. I hope I don't ______ a mistake during the presentation.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
6. I need to ______ a decision on which car to buy.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
7. It's essential to ______ sport regularly for a healthy lifestyle.
do sport
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
8. It's my turn to ______ the laundry this weekend.
do laundry
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
9. Can we meet later to ______ a plan for the weekend?
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
10. I want to ______ a difference in people's lives.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
11. It's recommended to ______ a reservation for popular restaurants.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
12. Can you ______ a quick phone call to check on the delivery?
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
13. Could you ______ me a favor and pick up some groceries?
do a favor
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
14. Scientists often ______ research to discover new findings.
do research
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
15. Even when it's tough, it's important to ______ the right thing.
do the right thing
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
16. I would like everyone to ______ a suggestion for our next team outing.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
17. I want to ______ a promise to always support you.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
18. Our team is planning to ______ a project on environmental conservation.
do a project
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
19. I enjoy ______ the cooking for family gatherings.
do the cooking
a) taking
b) doing
c) having
d) making
20. Many people find it beneficial to ______ yoga for relaxation.
do yoga
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
21. Take your time to ______ a choice that feels right for you.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
22. Don't forget to ______ a shower before we head out.
a) take
b) do
c) have
d) make
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