Gardening Vocabulary-5
Gardening Vocabulary-5 | Englisch Grammatik Übungen
1. The ______ adds a spicy flavor to salads.
radish (Radieschen)
a) radish (Radieschen)
b) cucumber (Gurke)
c) tomato (Tomate)
2. ______ grows quickly in the cool weather.
Lettuce (Kopfsalat)
a) Lettuce (Kopfsalat)
b) Pepper (Paprika)
c) Corn (Mais)
3. ______ adds flavor to many dishes.
Basil (Basilikum)
a) Basil (Basilikum)
b) Parsley (Petersilie)
c) Spinach (Spinat)
4. ______ spreads quickly in the garden.
Mint (Minze)
a) Mint (Minze)
b) Chives (Schnittlauch)
c) Dill (Dill)
5. The ______ plant is thriving.
rosemary (Rosmarin)
a) rosemary (Rosmarin)
b) Oregano (Oregano)
c) Cilantro (Koriander)
6. ______ is a versatile herb for cooking.
Thyme (Thymian)
a) Thyme (Thymian)
b) Tarragon (Estragon)
c) Bay leaf (Lorbeerblatt)
7. ______ has a strong, earthy flavor.
Sage (Salbei)
a) Sage (Salbei)
b) Chervil (Kerbel)
c) Marjoram (Majoran)
8. The ______ smells wonderful in the garden.
lavender (Lavendel)
a) lavender (Lavendel)
b) Rose (Rose)
c) Jasmine (Jasmin)
9. I sprayed ______ to protect the plants.
pesticide (Pestizid)
a) pesticide (Pestizid)
b) fertilizer (Dünger)
c) herbicide (Herbizid)
10. ______ helps control garden pests.
Insecticide (Insektizid)
a) Insecticide (Insektizid)
b) Water (Wasser)
c) Mulch (Mulch)
11. The ______ is just starting to grow.
sprout (Keimling)
a) sprout (Keimling)
b) Seedling (Setzling)
c) Flower (Blume)
12. The ______ was transplanted into the garden.
seedling (Setzling)
a) seedling (Setzling)
b) Bulb (Zwiebel)
c) Herb (Kraut)
13. The first ______ appeared on the plant.
blossom (Blüte)
a) blossom (Blüte)
b) Leaf (Blatt)
c) Fruit (Frucht)
14. The ______ will bloom in the spring.
bulb (Zwiebel)
a) bulb (Zwiebel)
b) Seed (Samen)
c) Stem (Stängel)
15. We are ready for the ______ season.
harvest (Ernte)
a) harvest (Ernte)
b) planting (Pflanzen)
c) growth (Wachstum)
16. The ______ for planting is here.
season (Jahreszeit)
a) season (Jahreszeit)
b) time (Zeit)
c) weather (Wetter)
17. The ______ of the plants is impressive.
growth (Wachstum)
a) growth (Wachstum)
b) bloom (Blüte)
c) color (Farbe)
18. The ______ are in full bloom.
flowers (Blumen)
a) flowers (Blumen)
b) seeds (Samen)
c) leaves (Blätter)
19. A garden ______ stands in the flower bed.
gnome (Gartenfigur)
a) gnome (Gartenfigur)
b) birdhouse (Vogelhaus)
c) fountain (Brunnen)
20. The ______ keeps the birds away from the crops.
scarecrow (Vogelscheuche)
a) scarecrow (Vogelscheuche)
b) net (Netz)
c) fence (Zaun)
- The radish adds a spicy flavor to salads.
- Lettuce grows quickly in the cool weather.
- Basil adds flavor to many dishes.
- Mint spreads quickly in the garden.
- The rosemary plant is thriving.
- Thyme is a versatile herb for cooking.
- Sage has a strong, earthy flavor.
- The lavender smells wonderful in the garden.
- I sprayed pesticide to protect the plants.
- Insecticide helps control garden pests.
- The sprout is just starting to grow.
- The seedling was transplanted into the garden.
- The first blossom appeared on the plant.
- The bulb will bloom in the spring.
- We are ready for the harvest season.
- The season for planting is here.
- The growth of the plants is impressive.
- The flowers are in full bloom.
- A garden gnome stands in the flower bed.
- The scarecrow keeps the birds away from the crops.
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