Cancer Vocabulary-1
Cancer Vocabulary-1 | Englisch Münster
1. The doctor administered ______ to kill the cancer cells.
a) Chemotherapy (Chemotherapie)
b) Radiation therapy (Strahlentherapie)
2. To shrink the tumor, the patient underwent ______.
Radiation therapy
a) Radiation therapy (Strahlentherapie)
b) Chemotherapy (Chemotherapie)
3. The body's immune system can be enhanced with ______.
a) Targeted therapy (Zielgerichtete Therapie)
b) Immunotherapy (Immuntherapie)
4. ______ is used to remove cancerous tumors.
a) Hormone therapy (Hormontherapie)
b) Surgery (Chirurgie)
5. ______ helps to block hormones that fuel cancer growth.
Hormone therapy
a) Chemotherapy (Chemotherapie)
b) Hormone therapy (Hormontherapie)
6. After high doses of chemotherapy, a ______ is performed to restore healthy cells.
Stem cell transplant
a) Bone marrow transplant (Knochenmarktransplantation)
b) Stem cell transplant (Stammzelltransplantation)
7. A ______ is used to replace damaged bone marrow in cancer patients.
Bone marrow transplant
a) Bone marrow transplant (Knochenmarktransplantation)
b) Stem cell transplant (Stammzelltransplantation)
8. A ______ is necessary to determine if a tumor is cancerous.
a) Biopsy (Biopsie)
b) Surgery (Chirurgie)
9. The doctor referred the patient to an ______ for cancer treatment.
a) Oncologist (Onkologe/Onkologin)
b) Radiologist (Radiologe/Radiologin)
10. Imaging scans are interpreted by a ______.
a) Oncologist (Onkologe/Onkologin)
b) Radiologist (Radiologe/Radiologin)
11. When cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it is called ______.
a) Metastasis (Metastase)
b) Remission (Remission)
12. The surgeon successfully removed the ______ from the patient’s body.
a) Tumor (Tumor)
b) Carcinoma (Karzinom)
13. A ______ tumor is cancerous and can grow rapidly.
a) Benign (Gutartig)
b) Malignant (Bösartig)
14. A ______ tumor is not cancerous.
a) Malignant (Bösartig)
b) Benign (Gutartig)
15. Carcinoma is a type of cancer that starts in ______.
skin or tissues
a) Bones (Knochen)
b) Skin or tissues (Haut oder Gewebe)
16. Sarcoma begins in ______, like muscles and bones.
connective tissues
a) Connective tissues (Bindegewebe)
b) Organs (Organe)
17. Leukemia affects the blood and ______.
bone marrow
a) Lymphatic system (Lymphatisches System)
b) Bone marrow (Knochenmark)
18. Lymphoma is a cancer that begins in the ______.
lymphatic system
a) Lymphatic system (Lymphatisches System)
b) Circulatory system (Kreislaufsystem)
19. Remission occurs when ______.
there are no signs of cancer
a) The cancer returns (Der Krebs kehrt zurück)
b) There are no signs of cancer (Es gibt keine Anzeichen von Krebs)
20. Palliative care focuses on ______ for cancer patients.
improving quality of life
a) Curing the disease (Die Krankheit heilen)
b) Improving quality of life (Die Lebensqualität verbessern)
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